today, on this 12th day of national poetry month, we are fortunate to feature our friend, local farmer, & poet, Marie DeNoon. Marie has been sharing her work through spiderweb salon for years now and we're excited to share our stage with her again on April 22 at the Poetry Party (< RSVP here). the farm she runs in Denton, Rainbow Sprinkles Farm, grows beautiful flowers & herbs, which you can sometimes catch at the cupboard or local community markets. stop & smell the flowers & take a poem break today to enjoy Marie's words.
take a walk.
pick one of your favorite flowers, grasses, birds, bees, insects, animals, etc.
observe and describe there actions/behaviors as a sound, feeling and/or type of snuggle.
later that night, before bed ask your dreams to tell you more about them.
in the morning record your findings.
Little Girl
Little girl. I know you’re angry.
Little girl I know you feel alone.
All that heavy weight
for your tiny little bones.
I know you miss mommy.
I miss her being there for you.
But. I’m grateful you let me hold you sometimes. Blessed.
Little star.
And Even when we are apart.
I hold you in my hands.
Always thinking of you.
Sending Limpias to your sleep.
playgrounds and friends to your dreams.
Mi familia.
We are here with you.
By the fire.
At the never ending winter solstice celebration.
Where you run and play free.
Air guitar, wild dancing.
Fire starter.
Little girl no matter the direction you travel.
We are here with you.
By the fire, at the never-ending winter solstice celebration.
Where you and your sister are always the guests of honor.
Our fire is your fire.
Papita chula.
marie aka mars started sharing her poetry via spiderweb salon back in 2013. a farmer poet who grows flowers and herbs at rainbow sprinkles farm.
Marie DeNoon reading at a spiderweb showcase in J&Js basement | photo by courtney marie | 2013