Denton, Tx-based performance and art collective Spiderweb Salon is very, very #PLEASED to announce one of our biggest adventures yet! We're taking the show on the road with a team of some of the most brilliant artists, writers, musicians, actors, photographers, and dreamers North Texas has to offer. Don't worry, we'll be back - but not before making a few friends along the way and debuting one of most ambitious creations ever:
Introducing #PLEASED, our newest hyper-collaborative creative production! Is it a performance piece? Yes. A musical? Yes. An intimate reflection of the current state of the world? Yes. Is it a dance recital? Yes. A poetry reading, perhaps? Yes. A prayer? Yes. A hug? Yes. Your new favorite song? Yes. A party? Yes. Art? Yes. Life? Yes. Quiet? Yes. Loud? Yes. All of this and more!
Meet us in Santa Fe, NM at Ghost. (hello, new friends!) for an afternoon of music, poetry, performance, dance, installation art, cake, theatrics, improv, zines, and much, much more by Alex Stock, Anna Marsden, Caitlin Pryor, Christopher David Taylor, courtney marie, Elia Tamplin, Fatima-Ayan Malika Hirsi, Frank Darko, Isobel O'Hare, Jacob Greenan, Joanna Lugo, Kim Nall, Kristina Smith, Leah Jones, Machele Johnson, Matthew Long, Nina Chantanapumma, Sam Cook, Sarah Friday, Sarah Ruth, Sebastian Paramo, & Sean Enfield!!
And let's not sleep on the POSTER ART by the amazing Andrea Harman!
2889 Trades West Rd, Santa Fe
Sunday, May 27, 2018
doors open at 2 pm
showtime at 3 pm (please arrive prior to showtime!)
Suggested donation: $5
If you can't join us in Santa Fe, stay tuned for a home game production of #PLEASED in Denton, taking place July 11 at Dan's Silverleaf!
Think this is awesome? Want to help us out? To contribute to Spiderweb Salon's ambassadorship to New Mexico, consider becoming a Patreon member at or you can send funds to our paypal via We promise to turn your dollars into something beautiful.
Spiderweb Salon loves you!
for more information about Ghost. please visit: